The Phonomenon Groupies Band of 60's and 70's

The groupies scene was a phenomenon of the late Sixties and early Seventies, and various threatening social diseases have effectively put the mockers on groupiedom in the eighties, much to the chagrin of some straggling leftover rock 'n' rollers who remember the good times.

It was at its height in the late Sixties havens of San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York. In 1969 the groupies knew they had arrived when the influential magazine Rolling Stone dedicated an entire issues to groupies their philosophy, their quirks, their motivation and - in a few cases - their regrets.

What is/was a groupie? A groupie is a girl who hangs out with rock 'n' roll groups simple as that. Except that gradually the behavior of certain of the groupie sorority got the more socially-minded ones a bad name, and groupies became a by-word for sex objects.

The whole question of following a rock musician to a hotel room and then inquiring about the possibilities of having sex with him and/or any of his friend and/or the road crew and/or anyone else who may be involved, however tenuously, with the rich and reckless world of rock 'n' roll seems like an amazingly ephemeral, not to say thankless, way to go about one's life. But there were those who had it down to a fine art. and for them the rewards were just as meaningful as, say, an auditorium full of screaming fans would be for the rock stars they pursued.

Not that a groupie existed as a mere sexual gift. There was the matter of entertainment, of company, of fun, of help around the house, of -well, what the hell- of love. As Jimmy page of Led Zeppelin put it. The sex angle is important. But no more important than girls who are also good friends and make you feel like family.

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